
Working in partnership to develop skills and deliver new jobs for Lancashire

Working with partners across the Lancashire LEP area, creating sustainable skills and employment to drive prosperity is key to Lancashire’s future – and to ensure this happens the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership has created a Skills and Employment Board and the Lancashire Skills and Employment Hub.

We are working in partnership with our stakeholders to achieve the objectives set out in the Lancashire Skills and Employment Strategic Framework.

Some of our key partnership initiatives are outlined below:


Apprenticeships are more important than ever for Lancashire to ensure we achieve our skills and employment priorities. The apprenticeship reforms are making unprecedented changes to the apprenticeship landscape and therefore it is a priority for us to support partners to grow apprenticeships.

We are working with partners across the county through our apprenticeship action plan to ensure growth in the number and quality of apprenticeships in Lancashire. This activity will also ensure apprenticeships support business growth and provide an exciting pathway for young people.

Support available with apprenticeships >

European Social Funds

Lancashire has a number of projects funded by European Social Funds and where possible these have been shaped by the Lancashire Skills and Employment Hub and partners to address the skills and employment priorities of Lancashire.

ESF funded support >

City Deal

The Preston, South Ribble and Lancashire City Deal is expected to generate 20,000 new jobs. We commissioned a skills and employment study which sets out the skills and employment challenges and priority action plan to deliver the City Deal.

We have developed a Social Value Toolkit for the Growth Deal programme and this is currently being translated to the City Deal. A City Deal Skills and Employment Steering Group oversees the implementation of the plan, reports on the outcomes and provides case studies, as well as the City Deal Skills and Employment dashboard.

Social Value Toolkit >

Skills Facilities in Lancashire

Lancashire has a number of projects funded by European Social Funds and where possible these have been shaped by the Lancashire Skills and Employment Hub and partners to address the skills and employment priorities of Lancashire.

Investment in skills facilities >

Working in partnership with us

If you wish to discuss the information on this page or how you can work with us to meet the skills and employment priorities of Lancashire please contact us.