Wes Johnson

Principal & Chief Executive Myerscough College and University Centre

Wes Johnson joined Myerscough College on 1st September 2023 following six successful years in the same role at Lancaster & Morecambe College. Wes has been the Chair of The Lancashire Colleges (TLC) since 2018 and a Director of TLC since 2017. Wes has over 26 years’ experience in technical education, with 13 years as a senior leader in both general and specialist further and higher education institutions across the north of England.

Previous roles have seen Wes lead and deliver education in many settings, from serving disparate rural populations in Lancashire, Cumbria, North Yorkshire and Northumberland to disadvantaged urban communities in areas of Newcastle, Middlesbrough, Morecambe, Leeds and Bradford. Wes has a passion for high impact teaching, learning and skills development underpinning the positive influence colleges have in raising aspiration, life chances and the economic wellbeing of individuals, businesses and wider communities.

Myerscough College and University Centre is the north west’s specialist land based and specialist sports educator, with a proud history of inspiring excellence since 1894.  The college’s main site occupies 1000 acres to the north of Preston, housing a industry standard campus and facilities, the college also has centres in Liverpool, Manchester, Warrington, Blackburn and Penrith, widening access to specialist land based and sport  provision.

The College has developed specialisms aligned with its local economy and skills requirements, including Low Carbon Energy Production, Renewables and Retrofit. As a founding partner of the Morecambe Bay Curriculum, Wes is committed to ensuring clear progression opportunities for all members of the community into sustainable and productive careers, whilst making a positive contribution to place.

The Lancashire Colleges plays a key collaborative role in meeting Lancashire’s current and future skills needs, actively contributing to shaping and delivering the county’s Local Skills Improvement Plan.

Wes ensures that he is accessible and accountable to hundreds of businesses, ranging from SME’s to large international organisations. Wes has high expectations of his organisation in matching the skills the College develops to current and future national and local skills needs.

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