Rebooted: Digital Lancashire Reboots 2020 With Regional Online Forum

The digital forum, which took place between the 14th to 16th October 2020, consisted of 14 online events bringing together over 70 expert panelists and industry leaders to offer insight from education, councils, digital hubs and members to discuss the sector’s key successes, challenges and future ambitions, with hundreds of people registering and getting involved.

The ambition of Reboot 2020 was to re-engage and reconnect with Digital Lancashire’s members, and the wider digital & tech community, to facilitate vital conversations, provide a platform for people to have their say and ultimately ensure that the not-for-profit organisation delivers and serves the digital sector the best and most effective way it can.

Response from participants has been overwhelmingly positive and highlights the volume of activity, intent and ambition of the region’s digital businesses. Now that the agenda has been rebooted, it is now time to turn the talk into sustained, consistent and impactful action.

Tom Stables, Digital Lancashire Chair said: 

Nobody anticipated that 2020 would indubitably and profoundly change the world in which we operate on so many levels, so we felt a Reboot was essential to give the digital community an opportunity to come together, talk and tell us how we can best support the sector.  By identifying our county’s strengths and champions, as well as its issues and challenges, Digital Lancashire now has a much clearer picture of where to focus our attention and resources. Reboot 2020 reminded us of what we already knew: Lancashire’s digital sector is world-class”

Duncan Sandford, Digital Lancashire Managing Director said; 

“Reboot has been a great success. We set out to hold open and honest conversations with Lancashire’s digital community and we were not disappointed. We wanted to show people that we are listening and we are here to help, support, facilitate and grow Lancashire’s digital ambition. We all know how fantastic, dynamic and innovative Lancashire is – it is our job to make sure everybody else does too!”

If you would like to get involved as a member, speaker, sponsor or would like to simply find out more about Digital Lancashire, get in touch with the Digital Lancashire Team on 01772 846221 or email

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