New Member sought to join the Lancashire Skills and Employment Advisory Panel representing the Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector
April 10, 2019
The Lancashire Enterprise Partnership’s Skills and Employment Board has evolved to become the Skills and Employment Advisory Panel. As a result, we are seeking a representative of the Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector (VCFS) to join the panel to contribute to the development of strategy and planning, including the development of the Lancashire Industrial Strategy.
The panel meets approximately six times a year. Ideally members will represent the VCF sector and have an insight into the skills and employment issues that employers and service users in the VCF sector are experiencing.
As the government requires LEPs to improve gender balance and representation of those with protected characteristics on all boards and sub-boards, we would especially welcome expressions of interest from women and those with protected characteristics.
To put forward your interest, please email a CV and a statement of interest outlining the added value that you can bring to the board and experience in supporting strategic boards and committees, to Sankara, Sankara.Saravanan@lancashirelep.co.uk by 15th May 2019.
For an informal discussion please contact Dr Michele Lawty-Jones, Director of the Skills and Employment Hub, on 07825 996446.
For information about the Lancashire Skills and Employment Hub and the work of the panel, please visit our website: https://www.lancashireskillshub.co.uk/ and for information about the LEP see: http://www.lancashirelep.co.uk/lep-priorities/skills-employment.aspx
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