News and Events

Success stories, skills and training news plus details of forthcoming events

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Lancashire businesses hailed for upskilling and hiring local people

A host of Lancashire businesses have stepped into the spotlight at the glittering Lancashire Skills Pledge event. Businesses from sectors ranging from recycling to construction, and from navigation to sales...

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‘Skills Bootcamps’ to bring more opportunities to retrain or switch career

‘Skills Bootcamps’ to bring more opportunities to retrain or switch career People in Lancashire will be able to retrain, improve their skills and even step into their dream careers thanks...

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One giant leap as Lancashire launches new Space Partnership

The Lancashire in Space Partnership was launched on Thursday during a special event at Sci-Tech Daresbury celebrating the one-year anniversary of the launch of the North West Space Cluster. The...

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Image of a girl in a black coat with the words 'Bin Limitations', 'A girl AND a future scientist' and the hashtag 'embrace equity in steam'

From March 6th to March 10th, InnovateHer is hosting a daily virtual assembly for schools, as a way to celebrate both STEAM week and International Women’s Day. The assemblies will...

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Free Support for Businesses to Embrace Digital

Lancashire County Council with the Lancashire Digital Skills Partnership have announced a series of webinars, workshops and 1:1 support for local businesses, focused on embracing digital tools. Embrace Digital will...

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