Evidence Base – Reports
Our research into the skills needs and requirements of Lancashire's priority business sectors including our Labour Market Intelligence.
2024 Multiply Interim Evaluation Report
Multiply is a fully funded initiative by the Department for Education, running from 2022 to 2025, aimed at enhancing adults’ numeracy skills for everyday life and work. Multiply courses are highly adaptable in both length and content, making them suitable for the diverse needs of Lancashire’s community, residents, and businesses. Multiply provision cannot duplicate any existing offerings funded through other streams, providing a unique opportunity to create innovative solutions for engaging hard-to-reach learners and tailoring provision to meet local needs.
The Multiply Evaluation Interim Report, commissioned by The Lancashire Skills and Employment Hub, evaluates the successes of the first two years of delivery. This report provides key findings and recommendations to inform the ongoing delivery of Multiply and future adult education initiatives. A final evaluation will be conducted upon the programme’s completion in March 2025.
The report can be accessed here
2023 Lancashire Economic Inactivity Insight Report
During and post pandemic Lancashire saw a rise in economic inactivity – similar to other areas of the country but more pronounced. As a result, a deep dive into the rise in economic inactivity in Lancashire was commissioned under the umbrella of Lancashire 2050, with funds from the three upper tier authorities. The Lancashire Skills and Employment Hub led the research, with support from a steering group of partners, reflecting the Lancashire 2050 themes of Employment and Skills, Health and Well-Being and Economic Prosperity, with local authorities, directors of public health, lead officers, as well as the Integrated Care Board (ICB), Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) and other stakeholders.
The Economic Inactivity Insight Report details the findings, and also provides 5 key priorities and 14 recommendations for local partners.
The report can be accessed here
2022 Lancashire Food and Agriculture Sector LMI Report
In 2022, The Lancashire Skills and Employment Hub commissioned a sector study to be undertaken into Lancashire’s Food and Agriculture Sector. The report focuses on the strategic context for Food and Agriculture, key trends and emerging opportunities from an extensive literature review, as well as focusing in on the sectors Economic and Employment contribution to Lancashire’s productivity, and international trade.
The report also outlines the demographics of the existing workforce, sector and occupation earnings, education and training provision, vacancies and hiring, and a look towards the future for the sector in Lancashire.
The report can be accessed here
2021 Lancashire Labour Market Supplement
The Labour Market Supplement 2021 supported the refresh of the Lancashire Skills and Employment Strategic Framework which was published in 2021 and contains the detailed data and analysis that underpinned the rationale for the priorities, objectives and actions within the Framework. The supplement aligns with the DfE’s requirements of Skills Advisory Panel areas at the time of publication.
2020 (Pre COVID-19) Lancashire Labour Market Intelligence Toolkit
The toolkit consists of seven reports based on defined geographical areas, there is a Lancashire Enterprise Partnership Area report, six Travel to Work Area Reports. In addition to the reports there are six Travel to Work Area Presentations and the Data Matrix, which contains the underpinning data in an accessible, easy to use format.
LMI Reports
Blackburn with Darwen, Hyndburn, Rossendale, Ribble Valley
Preston, Chorley and South Ribble
Data Matrix
The Data Matrix contains all of the underpinning data which has been analysed to inform the reports and the presentations. The Matrix includes Local Authority and Travel to Work Area summary sheets which allow users to access summary charts and tables for their selected area. You can access the 5 sections of the Data Matrix and the Data Matrix User Guide by clicking the relevant section below.
Click here to download the Data Matrix User Guide
Sector | Data Matrix |
Economy and Business Matrix | Download Matrix |
Employment Forecasts and Future Demand for Labour Matrix | Download Matrix |
Labour Demand Matrix | Download Matrix |
Performance of the Education, Skills and Employment System Matrix | Download Matrix |
Residents Matrix | Download Matrix |
Lancashire’s Digital Skills Landscape
During 2019/20, Ekosgen, on behalf of the Lancashire Digital Skills Partnership, conducted research to build an evidence base around the digital skills landscape in Lancashire and the report is now available to read here: Lancashire’s Digital Skills Landscape Research 2019-2020
An Executive Summary is also available.
Skills for Net Zero in Lancashire – Building the Low-carbon Workforce of the Future
The Lancashire Enterprise Partnership in conjunction with the Work Foundation has produced a report exploring the key skills challenges for the low-carbon economy.
Gap Analyses
Gap Analyses showing availability of flexible provision for those aged 16-18 compared with identified needs:
Gap Analysis Report 2 – Provision Risks
Gap Analysis Report 3 – Vulnerable Characteristics